Skull deformities are increasing in babies. Since 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that babies be placed on their backs to prevent suffocation and reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, as a result of sleeping on the back, babies may develop a misshapen head or a flat head.
This condition, known as deformational plagiocephaly  , refers to an asymmetrical head shape caused by repeated pressure on the same area of ​​the head.
Changes in head shape may begin when the baby is 1-2 months old. A baby’s skull bones are soft and flexible at birth. The skull plates have not yet fully fused to allow the brain to grow. However, when a baby is repeatedly laid in the same position, the skull may become flat.
Sometimes babies are born with crooked head shapes . Babies who are part of a multiple birth, such as a twin pregnancy, may have limited movement in the womb; The birthing process may also temporarily flatten the baby’s skull. Other causes of skull deformity in babies may be due to muscular torticollis , which causes the neck muscles to tighten . The baby with torticolli turns his head only in one direction to sleep.
muscular torticollis

Early Intervention is Key in Skull Deformities

According to all clinical studies and our experiences; The good news is that plagiocephaly does not affect the baby’s brain or growth. The baby’s sleeping position can contribute to the improvement of head shape disorders within the first few months. The shape can be corrected through positioning or by wearing a head-shaping baby helmet for several months.
We are seeing more babies with this condition than we did 20 years ago, due to the increased use of back sleeping and baby devices such as car seats, strollers, bouncy seats, and swings that hold the baby on their back at all times. Fewer babies used to be affected, but now more and more plagiocephaly is seen each year.

İlginizi Çekebilir:   Helmet Treatment in Babies

If head crookedness in babies bothers you and you are worried about your baby’s misshapen head, talk to your pediatrician. Any baby with a misshapen skull needs to be evaluated to rule out more serious conditions such as craniosynostosis . This condition occurs when the sutures between the skull plates fuse too early, limiting space for brain growth. In deformational plagiocephaly or craniosynostosis, early treatment between 2 and 4 months of age is important.

CranioWell means beautiful head. At skull deformity centers, an infant should be evaluated by a doctor followed by an examination to rule out craniosynostosis.
If a baby is seen early enough, we can often use positional therapy to correct the head shape. After 4 months of age or if the baby’s head is severely misshapen, the baby may need to wear a helmet for treatment.

Helmet Assistance for Cranial Disorder in Babies

When a baby is 4 to 6 months old, the head is soft and growing rapidly. A helmet fits over wider parts of the head to direct growth to flatter areas. Baby head shaper helmet is made specifically for each baby. Typically, they are worn 23 hours a day for an average of four months. Babies are very flexible in changing their skull shape and adapting well to wearing a helmet.

Positioning Tips to Prevent or Ease Plagiocephaly

  • Make sure your baby gets at least one hour of tummy time every day. This also strengthens neck and arm muscles while improving motor skills.
  • When you go out, leave the car seat in the car. Carrying the baby constantly in the seat can deform the head structure. Carry your baby using a front carrier or sling instead. This relieves constant pressure on the back of your baby’s head.
  • Limit time on swings and rocking chairs, which also put pressure on the back of the head.
  • Each night, place the baby on the opposite end of his cot from the previous night. The baby will naturally face outwards, so the pressure points change.
İlginizi Çekebilir:   What are the Risks of Using a Cranial Helmet on a Baby?

Consult Baby Head Deformities Centers

If your baby has a head deformity, you can apply to head deformity centers.
