Conchal Crus Deformity

Ears play an important role in our overall appearance and are not limited to just adults. Babies can also develop ear deformities that can affect their appearance, and it is very important to address them as early as possible. One such deformity is the Conchal Crus infant ear deformity, which is a common problem among newborns.

What is Conchal Crus baby ear deformity?

Conchal Crus baby ear deformity is a condition in which the ear cartilage does not fully develop during fetal growth, resulting in a cone-shaped ear. The cartilage of the ear must be soft and flexible to develop into a natural shape, but in Conchal Crus baby ear deformity the cartilage is hard and rigid, preventing it from forming correctly.

Why is it important to treat Conchal Crus baby ear deformity?

Baby ear deformities such as Conchal Crus can cause significant distress to parents as they want their child to look as good as possible. Additionally, ear deformities can affect a child’s self-esteem and confidence, leading to social and emotional problems.

Treatment options for Conchal Crus baby ear deformity

There are several treatment options for Conchal Crus infant ear deformity, including non-surgical and surgical options.

Non-surgical options include:

Craniowell is a device that can be used to treat conchal crus deformities invasively. The device is made of a soft, flexible material and is designed to be worn over the ear to gently shape and sculpt the ear cartilage over time. The amount of pressure applied and wear time can be adjusted to suit each patient’s individual needs.

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Craniowell may not be the best option for some patients, especially those who are hesitant or reluctant to undergo traditional surgical procedures. Craniowell may be particularly useful for a baby less than 2 months old, as the ear cartilages are still malleable and can be molded into a more normal shape with the device.

In conclusion, Craniowell may be a safe and effective way to treat Conchal Crus deformities, especially in children. However, it is important to seek the advice of a professional to determine whether Craniowell is suitable for your specific needs.

Surgical options include:

Otoplasty: Otoplasty is a more invasive surgical procedure that involves reshaping the ear cartilage to achieve the desired shape. This procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and may require an overnight stay in the hospital.


Conchal Crus infant ear deformity is a common condition that can cause distress to parents and affect the child’s self-esteem as they grow. There are several treatment options, including non-surgical and surgical options, to correct the deformity and restore the ear’s natural shape. It is important to seek treatment as early as possible to achieve the best results and prevent potential emotional and social problems in the future.

As a result, if your baby has Conchal Crus infant ear deformity, it is important to seek treatment from a qualified medical professional as soon as possible. With the right treatment, your child can achieve a natural, attractive ear shape and you can be confident that they will grow up with confidence and self-esteem.

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